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Occasions bring family and friends together. In the rushed lives that we all are leading these days, they act as a reminder as well as a breather in the form of family time. They make our lives look all the more pleasant. There was a time when cakes were only limited to birthdays and anniversaries. Today all occasions, big or small, get glorified with the addition of just a cake. Cakes have become so much an important part of all events that people go the extra mile to lay their hands on the Best Designer Cake Online to make the moment extra special.


But wait, what is a designer cake and how is it different from the basic cakes we all have grown up eating?

We are all familiar with off-the-shelf cakes that are available in innumerable flavors today. Buying one of these solves the purpose, but does that make the person concerned any extra special? This is where designer custom cakes come in. They are cakes, personalized to suit the likes of the person and are available in a wide range. The good thing is that be it the design, color, or flavor – everything can be customized in a designer cake.

Benefits of Designer Cakes

Ordering a designer cake implies that the person concerned is special to you and you wish to make the moment a memorable one. These attractive cakes have more to them than just the looks and the following are the major reasons why people today order online designer cakes.

-Makes the loved one feel special

-Helps express hidden feelings in a special way

-Goes on to show that you are creative

-A true joy for the kids

-Helps define the entire theme

Order Designer Cakes Online

If you are thinking that is a lot of effort and you will have to step out, face the traffic, hop from bakery to bakery, share designer cake suggestions, get quotes, and see if all of this works or not, you are living in the 1950s still, we believe.

Today, digitalization has made life easier for us all. Everything from a needle to an elephant can now be bought online, so can a designer cake too. A PC/ laptop/ mobile phone and running internet are all you’d need to place an order for customized cakes online. Apart from the basics, all you need is a picture of what you need in your mind. Numerous designer cake options available online today will leave you in awe of where the world has arrived today.

Let’s get an idea about the type of designer custom cakes you can buy online, be it a designer birthday cake or a designer anniversary cake, or any other.

Send Best Designer Cakes Online

Let’s say, you wish to express your love towards a special someone in a subtle way and cake is the way to go, ordering a designer heart-shaped cake with beautiful and edible cake toppers can help you express the deep-hidden feelings in a sweet manner.

Then, if you are planning a get-together with school friends after a decade or so and want it to be special, a Jack Daniels cake accompanies just fine. Chilled beers are said to help re-live the good old days in a way nothing else could, and a similar cake makes sense.

If your sister/ best friend/ girlfriend/ wife is a makeup fanatic, nothing comes close to surprise her with all things makeup, including the cake. Order a Makeup Girl Cake with an assortment of faux makeup miniatures atop the cake and see her brimming with happiness.

If you are celebrating your parents’ wedding anniversary, you could order a pretty photo cake and consider it a canvas for the display of all the moments of the couple together and the addition of their kids to the frame. A perfect surprise for the parents.

These cakes are a great way to initiate a theme-based party. Imagine celebrating your daughter’s birthday and since she belongs to the unicorn Fanclub, you bring in a Mystical Unicorn cake and double her happiness on this special occasion. You could also get a Barbie cake online if the kid in question loves her dolls.

When organizing an all-boys night out for your kid where they end up binge-watching the entire Spiderman series, you’d want to add to the fun by incorporating a dessert time and surprise them all with a designer Spiderman cake online. What a sweet way to send them off to bed!

If you are organizing a PUBG-themed party, and everything from the dress code to the party décor is in sync with this super game, why shouldn’t the cake be PUBG-themed too? You could now easily order a PUBG cake online with Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner slogan, and make any occasion remarkable.

Same Day & Midnight Delivery

Now that you have gone through the advantages of ordering designer cakes online, you’d want to know how easy it is, no? You can now order customized cakes online with a couple of clicks on your smartphone. Whether you are looking for anniversary cakes online or for a birthday cake delivery, we have got you covered.

We entertain all kinds of designer cake gift delivery orders at the time of your choice. You can now send the cake online the same day you order the cake. This means that even if you forgot to place an order well in time, you do not need to fret over this little mindlessness on your part anymore. You can still go online and make up for it by ordering a cake to make the occasion special.

This isn’t all. Online, you could also send the best designer cakes online at midnight and add to the surprise element. Online cake delivery at midnight is a feature we excel in. We deliver designer cakes online and entertain same day as well as midnight cake deliveries for major cities like Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Ghaziabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Chandigarh, and Hyderabad, among others.

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